Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
This year has been all about me allowing God to transform me from the inside out! I never realize how beautiful I could be until I stop hiding behind "European standards."
As a young woman, I was always was taught that Our hair is our crown of glory! I was taught that our hair can help aide in getting a mate, help us with our careers and it overall defines our beauty. Did I forget to mention, I was taught that in order to have these things that kinky hair was out of the question!! I wasn't taught that from my home parse, but definitely from my peers and in the media.
I can remember at the tender age of 9, begging my mother to put a perm in my hair! My mom of course went against my wishes until I was 13. It's funny looking back, boy was I so naive; I was so hardheaded I should have listen to my mother :)!
At any rate, my obsession with straight hair progressed to excessive weave wearing, fake nails, eyelashes and colored contacts! I can't believe I wore all of that stuff to make me "beautiful". I gradually stop wearing those things as I got older and started to embrace my own beauty. I knew back in 1999 that I wanted to transition my hair back to its natural state because perming my hair was causing too much breakage and damage to my scalp. To transition, I wore wigs and weave...
Let's just say I transitoned way too long 10 years to be exact!!I had a very hard time letting go of the weave! It was just something about the having long straight hair or curly/ wavy texture that defined my feminity. It also meant that I was accepted in our community, did I really want to jeopardize that?It was Very difficult to shatter that image for me.
In recent years, I started to see more African american ladies rockin' their natural hair. I was in awe, I wanted to exube the confidence that they had in loving their natural kinky-curly hair! I started to contemplate doing the same!
One day, I was washing and blow drying my hair. When I re-discovered my hair in mirror, I fell in love with all of its beauty all over again. It still took me a while to get rid of the weave. I started to educate myself more on why we hated our natural texture and on natural hair care. The more I learned the more I knew I had to stop this cycle of self hate! One morning I finally decided to break the chains of bondage from from my feet and I did it- I EMBRACED my own hair! In all its God given glory and I started ROCKIN' my natural unpermed hair! I have not look back since! I still Can't believe how we let society's' view on hair define our lives and we become victims to perms and other texture altering products.
I wore weaves for ½ of my life! HALF! It took a lot of inner strength and courage to tell the world that I'm beautiful in spite of many superficial standards!
Now I'm ready to start a new journey with my hair! I will be installing sisterlocks in my hair on 8/29 & 8/30!! I'm so excited and anxious, I can't wait to share all the stages of my journey with all of you! Please stay tuned....God Bless!! Remember we are all fearfully and wonderfully made GOD never makes mistakes!
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